Too often, men put women on a pedestal and look at them as objects to be revered for their beauty and respected as the best things in the world. The problem isn’t with the reverence or respect, but with the objectifying of women as objects. So many guys would do anything to tame the mighty beast known as woman, but making her some elite object that is untouchable and ‘perfect’ is not the right method to use. Women aren’t perfect. They aren’t objects that are to be adored and revered for their beauty and poise. They’re not invincible and they certainly can’t annihilate men who have confidence and self esteem.
What you’re about to see might surprise you, but you must know this before you can be successful in getting hot women to notice, date, or sleep with you. Women are just people. That’s all. They have faults, flaws, and they are not in control of your emotions, your chances, or your life’s destiny when it comes to relationships, sex, and love. They can turn you down if they don’t feel the attraction, but they can’t take away your right to be attracted to whomever you like. They can go on a first date and never call you again, but they can’t make you completely worthless when it comes to dating.
They’re just people, so stop treating them like they are some all-powerful object that can do no wrong or that control your future.
Own yourself. Own your confidence, your charm, and your ability to talk to women like you’d talk to anyone else. They are just people. They are nothing to be feared, worshiped, or put on a pedestal for any reason. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t respect women, of course. As men, and more importantly as humans, we must respect women if we want to be successful with them. Respect, honesty, and common courtesy are three elements that you have to give to every person that you encounter. This includes the chicks that you want to date, hook up with, or even just talk to.
Your inner game is where you’ll win every single time. Taking the time to work on yourself before you start working the crowd is very important. You need to get yourself to a place where you can be confident, which will allow you to be successful in any type of relationship. If you can’t do this, you will generally fail in your personal relationships. Don’t look at women as something that you need, something that you have to have, or even something at all. They are not things, but people, and they have the same feelings and insecurities that we do. Treat women like people and your chances of success will increase tenfold.
When it comes to dating and relationships, we aren’t always the best. However, by taking the time to learn about your inner game and how to treat women like the real, fallible people that they are, it will be much easier to succeed in getting any women that you want for any type of relationship that you seek.